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Property Directory - hotels: hotels and accommodation

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hotels and accommodation Websites

Your Place Abroad - Holiday Rentals

A fabulous selection of holiday rentals, ranging from apartments, townhouses, villas and hotels, in Tenerife, the Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz and Florida. Make use of the search option to view listings displaying full property specifications, prices in GBP per night or per week, location details, an accommodation description, plus a range of contact options to enquire about availability. Extras including travel insurance, car hire, golf course information and fees, and flights via their in-house travel agents can also be arranged. Owners are invited to advertise their homes to rent. A link to their property sales site can also be found.

FX Property

Offering thousands of different types of properties in their database, including new, off plan, resales, land and commercial businesses, in a vast amount of countries including Albania, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, China, Cape Verde, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, France, Goa, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Morocco, Mongolia, New Zealand, Northern Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Caribbean, Turkey, Dubai, and the USA. Complete the search facility with your personal requirements, and browse through the listings offered with a photo where available, specifications, a short description, a reference number, and a price, with options to view additional details, print, save to a shortlist, or to get in touch with the agent, with some useful contacts and services also presented.

Lanzarote Guidebook

Website set up to provide quality, original information about the Island of Lanzarote for tourist visitors and residents alike. You will find loads of useful information, latest news, and articles relating to towns and places, travel and holidays, which can be booked online, and property, where you can view a good selection of property for sale as featured by some of the best estate agents on the island. Well worth a visit.

First Choice Spain

One of the leading forces for property in Spain, with a massive range of apartments, townhouses, villas and businesses in many areas including the Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca and Costa Calida presented. Simply complete the search with your personal requirements to view listings of stock which meet your match, all featuring a description, a reference, number of bedrooms, price in Euros, a coloured photo if available, and options to add to a short list, email to a friend, or to view additional details. A good selection of holiday and long term lets can also be found, along with some useful advice for buyers and contact information.

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